Posted in poetry

Hamlin Lake Days

Hamlin Lake Days (Middle Bayou Memories)

As I parked in the afternoon shade of a pine tree at a nearby beach, a lovely breeze sailed through the open window of my car. Somehow the breeze was “just so” and it brought up these past memories which became a poem honoring childhood memories. I hope you’ll like it. Do you have a special place where you spent your best childhood days? If so, please share in the comments.

Posted in poetry, Uncategorized

I Never Wanted This

Words can lighten moods with acrostics. I find that it’s a way to poetically face a problem or habit that needs to change. Yet it’s not a frontal attack, but instead focuses on the challenge of what’s needed to construct the poem so as to say what needs to be said. Light humor can result – an effective treatment fo the ho-hums! I hope this will bring you a smile or two!

Posted in poetry

Late August Afternoons

 (A Sentence Acrostic. See the 1st word of each line to discover the sentence, which is the “launch pad” for the whole poem.)

Breezy, restless rustling stirs the dancing leaves above;

Balmy days are wandering off like fickle summer love;

August offshore breezes kiss the churning, dazzling sea;

Afternoons grow shorter, pointing toward what must be.

Are times moving faster, or is it just some illusion?

Here today, gone tomorrow; there’s no foregone conclusion,

And sad souls stale to Life always miss this sweet beat.

Gone fair winds, gone blue skies, gone likewise the heat!

So runs this short season in dizzying commotion,

Fast as a hummingbird, toward the vine’s flowery potion.

They appear; then they leave us; all too soon there’s tomorrow;

Make sure not to miss out, for regret will bring sorrow.

Me thinks when the fierce frost turns leaves bronze and yellow

Swoon away from the ill chill will I, in mulled rum quite mellow!

~ Blaiseintotheblue ~

Photo by yours truly – maple in front yard.

Posted in poetry

Acrostic Name Poem

Don’t ask me what got me going on this idea this morning, but it’s a fun, positive, and refreshing way to keep the mind fresh with creative thinking. Acrostic poems can be done in several ways. 

Acrostic name poems are designed when the first letter of each horizontal line of the poem begins with a letter of your name spelled vertically.

The same applies to acrostic word poems.

Then there are acrostic poems where the words of a sentence vertically are the first word of each horizontal line of the poem.

I tried one with my first name. Here goes:

Now, why don’t you give it a whirl? You may be pleasantly surprised.