Posted in Observations, Uncategorized

Warning. Danger, Will Robinson.

Caution. Rant Coming On.
Time to retreat from “social” networks for awhile, if not for good. As for “Groups” – especially the religious ones – frankly who cares how many angels dance on the head of a pin (so to speak)? Get a life! Who has time for this trivia? It’s the animal farm of DOGma and CATechesis run amuck.)
This whole electronic social “networking” thing is a huge joke. Everything you post is data mined and stored. Silicone Valley must be laughing their digital arses off perusing some of the stuff that gets posted and the way people treat each other. We’ve come to the point where it seems like Human Beings cannot interact directly with one another anymore without the interface of machines. And the more some interact “on screen”, the more uncivil they seem to think they can be. It’s like road rage, only it’s screen rage. “I’m safe back here where you can’t see me. I can name call and character assassinate you with a keystroke. Ah! Raw power! You don’t know who I really am, or where I live, so I can be a cyber sniper taking pot shots at complete strangers and being a jerk.”
Let me know how that goes for you.
But I have to say, it certainly is revealing some surprising things about (alleged?) Human Beings. What ever happened to civility and good manners and clean language?
The next thing you know, some of the more gullible among us will be led to believe that you can’t even pray to God Himself directly without the intercession of the Cyber Priesthood of Quantum Artificial Intelligence. Good grief! What a setup!
Have you noticed that the phone book no longer has any home phones or residence addresses listed anymore? Everyone, including individual family members are SEPARATED from one another by their cellphones – since there’s no phone common to the house anymore that we all used to share. So we no longer know one another’s phone numbers or addresses. (This may not be good in a pinch!) Some of us cannot even remember our spouse’s cellphone number!!! This is not good, but it’s something else we took for granted that is now gone. Or phasing out. And we’ve been conditioned to depend on electronic gizmos. We are disconnected interpersonally in a world that supposedly is more connected technologically than it even has been.
And how many times have you urgently tried to get ahold of someone, using every means possible – phone, text message, Facebook Messenger, email, etc. – and not been able to reach them? Only to hear later, “Oh, sorry, I guess I forgot to turn on my phone.” Or they just don’t really give a flying fig!
No land line in homes means there’s no passing along the message, “Oh, by the way, dear, so and so called and wants to talk to you…” I thought ditching the land line was a good idea until we actually got rid of it. We’re being isolated and digitally sized up with facial recognition tech. To be followed everywhere. One. By. One. This technocracy wedge is real, and we’re being driven by it to be divided and conquered.
Welcome to the Brave New World. And many people are just loving BUYING into their own demise, if not physically, at least interpersonally – with electronic trinkets. This is serious dehumanization of the Human race – by inventions that are the mother of need.
Welcome to the Borg Mother ship. You will be assimilated. You will adapt. Or be adapted.
Ponder that.


Artist, Singer Songwriter, Writer Blogger, Artsy Skeptic and Common Tater.

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